It is possible to differentiate between three types of content, and each of those has specific attributes that make it appropriate for different strategies and distribution channels.
Written Content
The type of content you will see the most online is the written content. It is data partaken in a written structure, most normally in a type of articles or blog entries. The real preferred standpoint written content has over different types of content is that is can be “seen” by the search engines. This implies the search engines can read and understand the content, which enables them to list such content and show it in the search results. Since each website has an objective to be positioned high in the search engine results pages, it is just normal to use written content to do as such.
Having in mind the role of search engine crawlers, you use content to present your website so that it moves toward becoming related with important search terms, prompting pertinent visits. When you configuration content, you need to consider it in SEO terms, but you also need to think about your audience. These are the two angles that influence content creation the most. Content optimization for search engines is vital, but not at the expense of disturbing the user experience.
There are some general guidelines you need to have in mind when it comes to writing content:
Write for the Search Engines
Written content is commonly written for the readers, but you need to consider search engines also. This especially alludes to the website and blog content, where you basically expect search engines to slither your website and file the content. You will find progressively about writing for SEO in the section on content optimization.
Write for the people
The content you are writing should essentially be written for the people who are going to read that content. Considering this, make sure the text is applicable, predictable, and readable. Maintain a strategic distance from any intrusions and diversions. Use organizing choices to outwardly present the text in an increasingly coherent way.
Stay Focused
Each bit of content should have a specific topic and once you pick it, remain focused on it. Your website and blog should have its own specialty, a topic you manage fundamentally, but each post is a different unit which ought to be about the specific topic, which is really a highly focused portion inside that expansive topic we call specialty.
Word count should not be set
Even though the statistics demonstrate that there is a trend for articles to be 1000 word long or more, there is no mysterious number you should aim for. Because a few statistics demonstrate a more elevated amount of commitment on average with regards to 1000+ words articles, this is certifiably not a general rule. The message is the most imperative. If the message is short and brief, there is no point to make it longer utilizing superfluous words just to fit the standard.
Having explained the idea of written content, it is possible to differentiate between a few types of written content. Every ha its own qualities and they are used in different situations.
Blog Content
A blog is where you publish ordinary updates, news, and articles related to your specialty. It is useful as far as SEO, and it additionally assists with increasing traffic and commitment. Content organizing is particularly imperative with blogging because it features different parts of the text, it makes it reader amicable, just as SEO neighborly. A blog post might possibly have visual elements, for example, images or videos, added.
Website Content
The main content you will compose when setting up a website is the whole website content, not including a blog. This content is partitioned into a few pages or segments, each focused on one particular section, for example, the homepage, about us page, estimating, contact page, product depiction page, etc.
The primary characteristic of this type of content is the way that it is educational. Through this content, you give information about your identity and what sort of products or administrations you offer. You also need functional information, for example, contact data.
Visual Content
As indicated by the statistics, visual content has preferable execution over some other type of content. Visual content pulls in the visitors’ consideration all the more quickly, and the information presented in such a way is probably going to wait more in people’s minds than when presented in a type of a text. That, but the visual content is also bound to be shared on social media, along these lines increasing both commitment and traffic to the website or blog.
Having in mind the better execution of the visual content, it is evident why different types of this content are always being used while making content. Truth be told, visuals are frequently used together with the text. Along these lines they serve as consideration grabbers, in addition to they show the principle thought which is presented in the article.
Types of Visual Content
Illustrations are image designs which more often than not include pictorial representation of information, in a type of charts, text, images, etc. They some of the time join every one of these structures. In content promoting, designs are generally made to be utilitarian, which implies they have segments and data presented purposely in such a way to feature certain aspects.
While creating a realistic, there is an unmistakable goal in mind, something you need to accomplish with it. You could make a poster to report an event, where you will incorporate the date and spot of the event. You should need to present the data from your most recent research, in which case a chart or a pie chart would be an element included in the realistic.
When designing a graphic, think about:
- The way you will present the concept
- Including elements, for example, a photo, a text, or delineations
- The goal you need to accomplish
- The main information you need to incorporate
- Including your very own logo/company name
Images are most generally used bits of visual content. Content designers can utilize their own photos, they can purchase or download free images, or they can utilize screen captures of different sites or applications.
- When utilizing images, you should make sure:
- The image is identified with the content on the page
- The image is suitable for your audience
- You have the permission to utilize the image
- Connection to the outside image source if vital
- You include your own logo/organization name if the image is yours
While picking an image or a few images for the content, consider the impact the image will make. By what method will the readers feel when seeing the article out of the blue? Will they be fascinated by the image? Will they like it and accordingly keep perusing the content? Understanding your audience in such a way encourages you choose the best images.
Infographic, or data graphic, is a visual portrayal of data. This makes it somewhat like graphics, yet the fundamental qualification is that an infographic speaks to an accumulation of data. Its principle purpose is to exhibit the data or the data in a reasonable, simple to-spot way. Along these lines you essentially abridge data that would some way or another be introduced in a type of a content however would get far less commitment than when utilizing graphic elements.
Infographics imagine data, insights, maps, time periods, progressions, etc. They connect with the readers with the visual portrayal and make a bundle of data and numbers appear to be progressively intelligent and easy to compare with each other. Things to have as a primary concern while making an infographic:
- If you utilize the data given by outer resources, include the rundown of resources used at the base of the infographic
- Include your very own logo/company name
- Choose colors, textual styles, and outlines that are clear and easily visible
- You could include a title at the highest point of the infographic
- If you have data that could be divided into segments, make sure you divide the infographic in such a way
Video and Audio Content

Audio and video content is regularly viewed as the most difficult kind of content to make. Other than the way that it requests time to consider the idea and the approaches to present it, it also requires skill and time for account and altering. This normally implies you will also require programming for altering sound or video, just as the skill to utilize it. This is the main reason why many companies and organizations are incredulous about utilizing this kind of content, and oftentimes avoid it.
In any case, you should have in mind that this sort of content is well known on the web, particularly on the informal organizations. It is every now and again shared and it creates a great deal of clicks and likes. We will feature three kinds of audio and video content you could consider in your content marketing strategy.
Live chat
This is a type of video content that has been popularized recently, as live spilling ended up one of the features presented by numerous informal organizations, including YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. The main refinement of this sort of video is that it ordinarily requires less of preparation than a regular video. It is kind of chatty, ad libbed on-the-spot.
It is also very flexible in light of the fact that you can begin a live chat from anyplace at any moment. Live chat is also more intuitive kind of video since comments are updated continuously, which means the person broadcasting the video can really observe and respond to the comments from the network.
A podcast is a type of an audio communicate which is distributed online. Podcasts are much like radio shows, yet rather than music, they feature a type of narrative content.
The content featured in a podcast can be:
- Survey of an item
- A meeting
- A course or a lesson
- A narrative about a specific theme
- Question and answer session
Regardless the theme, podcasts are a perfect method to appropriate data online in a structure other than composed content. This structure is to some degree simpler for individuals to focus on in light of the fact that they can get to it in a hurry, without the need to peruse and scroll through the content on the mobile devices. Rather, they put on their earphones, hit that play button and they are in.
Online users subscribe to the podcasts a similar way they subscribe to a blog, which implies they will get notified when another podcast is live. Podcast accounts are accessible constantly, which is perfect for individuals who want to listen to them when they have enough time, as opposed to aiming for a specific time.
Just like images, videos are great for visual presentation of content, incredible for online networking engagement, just as for video ads. They frequently feature music or audio narrative along the visual content, making this sort of content quite catchy and intriguing to watch. Different sorts of videos, including short clasps, video blogs, business videos, instructional exercises, and survey videos, provide a range of different choices for organizations to discover and utilize this mode with the end goal of promotion.
With regards to the production of such content, it requires more skills and more time. Some of the time it also requires more time for arranging and arranging everything. This is the reason, regardless of the way that it is quite viable and successful at bringing results, a video is as yet a standout amongst the least used sorts of content.
Type of content to choose
The kind of content you will choose for your site depends on a lot of things. Most importantly, you should evaluate the budget. For instance, recording videos requests a greater amount of a venture, because of gear required and employing somebody for altering if you don’t have the skill to do it.
You also need to consider the time. You should sensibly design content creation. There is no reason for planning to publish another article every day if you don’t have sufficient energy to compose it nor do you have a sufficient budget for this numerous articles.
At that point consider your audience. Will they truly profit by one new article multi day? Or on the other hand maybe they may locate a far reaching week after week post progressively commendable? You should also dissect the manner in which your audience responds to different kinds of posts. If posts with images have higher commitment level, make sure you focus on such posts. Despite the fact that videos have a great commitment in general, maybe it isn’t the situation with your business. Lastly, everything goes to your business.
The most ideal approach to start is going for composed content first. It truly is a starting point, since you will require content when constructing your site at any rate. You could also start with blogging before you decide to execute different sorts of content in your marketing strategy. Make sure you generally dissect the execution of each type of post and try to spot a general rule about what works best for your business.
Types of Blog Posts
Since blogging is predominant in content creation, we will mention a couple of blog post types you could publish on your blog.
Interviews are a type of collaborative posts where you provide inquiries for a person or a few people about the subject that is applicable to your blog. While this may be viewed as a type of post for audio and video content, this isn’t generally the situation on the grounds that there are lots of interviews in a type of a composed article. For this situation, it is considerably simpler to deal with everything on the grounds that you can impart through email and you don’t need to sort out a recording session by any stretch of the imagination.
An interview is a great chance to get an obstinate post from experts, industry leaders and persons who are viewed as an authority by your objective gathering. The reach of these posts also may be greater because of the popularity of the general population you are interviewing and the way that they will probably share the post themselves.
Guest Post
This is another post involving coordinated effort. The thought is to have a visitor writing for your blog. Ideally, this visitor ought to be recognizable and good among your target group. It is also useful if the visitor blogger is an expert in the specific theme since along these lines you get an important snippet of data shared on your blog.
The main source for this cooperation could be common promotion. In the two cases, it is basic that the visitor blogger and the blog featuring the visitor post have comparable or even a similar target group, to make this promotional activity successful.
Case Studies
If you decide to dig further into a specific point and present it in great details, a case ponder is a type of post you should go for. With regards to case studies, they are likely to be directed by industry leaders and the individuals who approach a type of data about a specific subject. In this sense, they may appear a bit unreasonably complex for little measured companies. The beneficial thing about the case studies is exactly their intricacy and huge size of data which should be used for drawing ends and examining conduct. This implies such post will normally procure a lot of links.
Podcast/Video notes
The main reason why podcast transcripts or video notes are recommended is a direct result of SEO. Search motor crawlers can’t list content in audio or video format, which implies you ought to provide a transcript for this sort of content in a type of a blog post. Occasionally, individuals may also find it supportive to have a transcript available, particularly while citing you.
News Post
In this post, you manage the current news and trends, most recent updates and occasions. It is an increasingly unique type of post, however the content is time delicate. For example, the news about the most recent search algorithm update is surely something accommodating you would share in the news section, yet it also winds up obsolete rapidly. As another update is released following a little while.
Despite the fact, news posts are popular because they provide current information about the subject and they empower readers to stay aware of the current trends.
How to post
This is a type of an instructional post and its main purpose is to provide information and guidance about something, for example, how to utilize an item, how to find a specific alternative in programming, etc. With this post, you essentially advise readers how to accomplish something, therefore these posts are helpful. The language ought to be quite down to earth and easy to get it.
Readers love these posts, particularly if you provide visuals certain aspects since you basically provide a solution to their problem. They get directions they need. As far as SEO, these posts are also great since you utilize the keywords normally in the text.
Review posts are also highly-searched posts due to down to earth information they provide. They are particularly mainstream among potential purchasers since they provide details about the items, opinions, experiences, etc. Along these lines, this type of post has great power on the brain of consumers, particularly if your company gets great reviews from legitimate blogs. Most generally, reviews are in a type of a blog post, yet there is a growing trend of creating video content for such purpose.
This is a well known type of post, mainly in light of the fact that it is practical and its structure is so easy to finish and skim. Lists are appropriate for a wide range of businesses. Here and there they may overlap with links post, for example, if your subject is top 5 marketing blogs. This does not really need to be the case since you can have a subject, for example, 5 ways to improve your email marketing effort, where you would share your own tips and experiences on this theme.
As the name recommends it, a link post contains links to different resources. The idea with this type of blog post is to choose a point, one that is important to your target group, and afterward find quality resources from which your audience will profit. Other than a link, it is always great to provide a comment or a clarification concerning why you have chosen to link to that specific resource.
These are the most widely recognized and the most popular types of posts. There are different groups also, yet what you will see is that a lot of them overlap. For example, you will see a visitor post which features a list, making it a list post also. An informative post can also feature some how-to tips, while case studies may also include a video with video notes.