
Automation and Social Media

Social media marketing is a complex discipline that requires daily exertion from your end. Notwithstanding, a few parts of social media marketing can be automated so as to spare you time and supplement your strategy.

What is Automation?

The process of automation on social media refers to scheduling posts so as to be distributed in a certain moment in the future. This sort of activity encourages you be active and keep your social account refreshed consistently. Some social networks permit planning options on the platform itself, for example, Facebook.

Automation Tools

Then again, if there is no option to schedule a post along these lines, you can use different internet planning tools, for example, HootSuite. This tool for instance encourages you incorporate a few social media accounts, and oversee posting activity from the dashboard. You can choose the definite date and time when to schedule a specific post, and you can even schedule at the same time on a few social systems on the double.

There are other automation tools with comparable capacities and the best significance of these tools is that they permit overseeing of various social media accounts from one spot, which is particularly useful when you have a great deal of social media accounts to oversee.

Other than tools for managing and scheduling, there are automation tools that can totally deal with posting for you. For this situation, you should interface your blog feed for instance and the tool will naturally post when it identifies that new content has been published on your blog.

Benefits for Social Media Automation

The major benefit of social media automation is the possibility to spare time and advance the time you will put resources into social media activity. This is particularly essential in cases you have constrained amount of time available for this assignment. There is no uncertainty that social media nearness is critical, however some of the time it will be difficult to organize this errand. In this way, having automation tools can help with keeping up your social activity on a specific level, while you are focused on different errands.


Other than sparing time, another benefit of social media automation is the possibility to keep your accounts active notwithstanding when you are far from the workplace, for instance amid the end of the week. A few investigations affirm that the best number of users sign in amid the end of the week, which expands commitment opportunities and chances to change over the users.

Consequently, you should make beyond any doubt that you distribute content on social media at ends of the week. Planning posts to be published amid the end of the week can truly help being active on ends of the week, just as getting a charge out of in your days off work.

Reach Audience

Trying to reach audience from different geographical regions may be a part of your business and it might be difficult for you to optimize the posting activity in this case. For example, it might be night at your place of residence, while it is morning for your target audience. In this case, automation can help you reach your audience in the right time. Regardless the time of the day in your country.

Disadvantages of Social Media Automation

When utilizing automation on social media you must be mindful so as not to overuse this technique. High level of automation will cause your account to look a bit malicious and artificial. Users hope to see real people behind the social media account, somebody they can contact, somebody they can trust. If you use excessively of automation, users may think that its difficult to establish the association, which will result in low level of commitment.

Besides, utilizing automation keeps you from being present and staying aware of occasions. Regardless if we talk about a global occasion or circumstance you should remark on or if we talk about down time of your website, you will fall flat at achieving users at the ideal time if you totally depend on automation.

Inseparable part

Despite the fact that automation should be an indistinguishable part of social media marketing and all things considered, it is an exceptionally supportive approach, however in a similar time you must be extremely cautious when utilizing it.

You need to make the most out of automation, to use it to enhance your social media marketing, without the risk of being considered as spam. What you need to have in mind that social system users hope to interface with others on social systems, so you need to plan being really present on social systems so as to respond and interact with your followers.

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