Search engine is a program that searches the specific item in its own database, so as to display the results that coordinate the query the user is interested in. Search engine database comprises of the site pages that are listed by that search engine. Internet users lead a search by composing a specific word or expression in the search engine.
The goal of search engine marketing is to organize advertising activity through the use of search engines. Regardless of whether you are utilizing paid marketing or search engine streamlining, the thought is to influence the search engines in such a way thus, that they show your website at the highest point of the search results. Search engine marketing is a urgent piece of internet marketing that deals with creating a successful strategy of improving the position of the website in the search engines.
About Search Engines
Search engines utilize their own algorithm to find the results that coordinate the query inside their very own database. Different criteria are being considered while deciding the list of most applicable results, for example, keywords, meta tag, impact etc.
The term search engine is regularly used to portray the programs, for example, Google, Bing or Yahoo! These are additionally the most used search engines, with Google being the most used of all. At the point when users need to find something online, they as a rule utilize one of the search engines to do as such.
Since search engines utilize multiple measurements in their algorithms, which serve to decide the pertinence of a website to the specific search query, search engine marketing has various different perspectives to help search engines include your website in the SERP.
Search Engine and Market Share
There have been a lot of studies and surveys led so as to decide the search engine piece of the overall industry, and the definite figures fluctuate in different reports. Be that as it may, what they all share for all intents and purpose is the Google’s supremacy over some other search engine. Bing’s offer in the all out number of searches is around 19%, while Yahoo! searches represent 10% of the complete number.

Other search engines have a minor share in global searches, including Ask Network with approximately 2% of market share and AOL, Inc. with approximately 1.3% of market share, based on the same report.
Desktop Searches
Other than desktop searches, Google, Yahoo! furthermore, Bing also make up the mobile search market share. In any case, Google’s market share on mobile devices is over 80%, trailed by Yahoo! with roughly 10% and Bing with around 6% of the market share.
You should also have as a main priority the land distribution of market share, as the use of search engines fluctuate in different parts of the world. While Google takes up the biggest part of search engine market share in the USA, Baidu takes up over 60% market share in China, where Google falls behind with under 5%.
As of December 2014, Mozilla’s default search engine in the United States will be Yahoo! which may influence the search engine market share in the following period.
Percentage of Market share
The motivation behind why you need to understand the percentage of the market share of each search engine is the way that search engine marketing is based on the use of certain search engines in the purpose of achieving users.
Major search engines have their own assistance focuses to give extra data about its search engine algorithm and best practices you should use so as to enable you to build the visibility of your website.
Other than industry reports, what you need to consider is your own statistics that are accessible inside your Google Analytics account. Here is the manner by which and where you can see the percentage of visits you get from each search engine. This at last implies that you should concentrate your efforts on a specific search engine in particular, as far as creating search engine optimization strategy or running a paid advertising effort.
Search Engine advertising
Each search engine has its own program for advertising, which usually includes campaign director through which the advertising is being set up. When you investigate your options, and choose one of the search engines you need to use for advertising, you should visit the website and learn how to do as such. You will usually be required to create an account, which will enable you to get to the campaign administrator for creating and publishing search engine advertisements.
Google AdWords
Google enables search engine advertising through Google AdWords platform. You should create a Google account first, and afterward visit the website to agree to accept Google AdWords. Since Google is the number one search engine, processing over 3.5 billion searches per day, it is natural that its advertising program is the most popular one with regards to search engine advertising.
Bing Ads
Since 2009, the majority of the Yahoo! searches are led through Microsoft’s search engine Bing. The advertising opportunity currently enables marketers to exploit both of these platforms for sorting out a search engine marketing campaign. Bing/Yahoo! arrange now provides joint advertising option. With up to 30% of searches being led through these two search engines, depending on the locale, Bing Ads represents an imperative source for search engine advertising.